Beyond Borders
NEWSReviews (Thanks To Clive's fans):
The Hollywood Reporter reviews Beyond Borders
10/11/03 - The Biographies are now on the official site Thanks to Alice C 10/1/03 - AICN: Review of a screening for Beyond Borders: "...Clive Owen roxor my soxor. HE was the man in this film and owned every second he was on screen. He's just an unforgiving asshole and there's no way you can or should like him but you do. I didn't see Croupier, but after seeing Owen in this I'm a staunch supporter. Though the film is lite on action he does his fair share of body-mangling - both giving and taking." The Beyond Borders Web site is now on line - screensavers, e-cards, wall paper and more. Images from site here. Music from the Movies - Most anticipated scores: "10. Beyond Borders (James Horner) After Titanic, James Horner has chosen all the wrong epics. Enemy At The Gates and Four Feathers never got enough air under their box office wings, but with the popular Angelina Jolie as the main star in Beyond Borders, directed by Mask Of Zorro helmer Martin Campbell, things might change. The film tells the story of a passionate romance set against war-torn locations in Africa and Thailand. Once again Horner has hired multi-instrumentalist Tony Hinnigan to perform parts of the score, which according to our inside sources are quite unique: "It’s most radical diversion is to employ the use of loops to great dramatic effect." (24th October)" Stax at Film Force: 8/28/03 -- Beyond Borders, dir. Martin Campbell. Caspian Tredwell-Owen penned this epic about the valiant but often vain efforts of a small band of dedicated humanitarian relief workers. We follow them from the Ethiopian famine of 1984, to the political hotbed of Cambodia, and finally to the war-torn Balkans in the mid-1990's. Leading this relief team is Nick Callahan (Clive Owen). The story tracks Sarah Jordan (Angelina Jolie) whose journey from high society philanthropist to down and dirty relief worker tests her convictions about life and love. Sarah eventually travels to the war-torn Caucasus Mountains with her reporter sister Charlotte (Teri Polo) where Nick has been captured by the warring locals. Sarah will now put her own life on the line for the man she loves. While Beyond Borders had many powerful sequences, as a whole this sprawling and episodic narrative never won me over. Nick and Sarah came across as self-absorbed and aloof. Were they "complex" or simply pretentious? I found myself questioning their actions rather than rooting for them to be together. This draft of Beyond Borders was also more disillusioning than inspiring in its portrayal of humanitarian efforts; it didn't exactly make me want to run out and join the cause. UPDATED -- Snaps from the trailer -- and two still pictures 8/16/03 - The trailer (and stills) are up at the Beyond Borders official web site. Thanks, Alice
8/6/03 -- Thanks to veebs - The article and images from Premiere Magaine Fall Preview Issue BB's Release Date: October 24th, 2003 (wide) 1/4/03 - From Ain't It Cool News: Two very bad reviews for a sneak screening of Beyond Borders in Hollywood Box Office Prophets on BB (7/3/03) The "Beyond Borders" page at the IMdb From
A Jolie web site: "Melissa Auf der Maur, who played bass
for the rock band Hole for four years played Clash's "Should
I Stay or Should I Go" for Angelina's next film, Beyond Borders. "Oh
God, it's almost like blasphemy," she says of the Clash cover. "No
one's allowed to cover the most overheard song ever. They wanted
it for Angelina's love scene, so I had to do it. In the movie we're
playing it as a live band." The Z Review, a British film site, has info on Beyond Borders, including an e-mail from an etra on the film. Some
shots of locations for Beyond Borders. [A French or 5/2/02 The Filming in Chiang Mai: Click HERE for the story Thanks, Alice 4/17/02 BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) -- Location filming on a romantic adventure movie starring Angelina Jolie is scheduled to begin Thursday in northern Thailand. "Beyond Borders," about idealistic relief workers, is being directed by Martin Campbell, whose previous films include "GoldenEye" and "Vertical Limit." Clive Owen, who most recently appeared in "Gosford Park," plays Jolie's love interest. Co-producer Lloyd Phillips said Wednesday that about five weeks of shooting in Thailand will wrap up main filming on the movie, which began production in December. Previous shooting was done in Namibia, standing in for Ethiopia, and Montreal, standing in for London and Chechnya. The film's Thai locations will stand in for Cambodia, the site of an extended humanitarian crisis throughout the 1980s as it struggled to recover from the devastating rule of the communist Khmer Rouge. Phillips said he expects the film to be released around Christmas. The story, which covers a 10-year period, takes its protagonists from London to Ethiopia to Cambodia and Chechnya. Jolie plays a married American socialite in London who falls in loves with an idealistic doctor played by Owen. In real life, Jolie serves as a goodwill ambassador for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees and has visited relief camps in Cambodia, Pakistan and Africa. The star of ``Lara Croft: Tomb Raider'' and her husband, actor Billy Bob Thornton, recently adopted a Cambodian infant. Copyright © 2002 Associated Press Information Services, all rights reserved. Thanks, mvirnig
4/18/02 - Yahoo News: Jolie to Begin Filming in Thailand Thanks, Alice4/17/02 - Beyond Borders: The Namibian: Jolie and film producer heap praise on Namibia. Thanks, Alice 3/8/02 Montreal GazetteActress Jolie and film crew make quiet move to Africa BYLINE: BRENDAN KELLY Angelina Jolie has pulled a midnight move. The Oscar-winning actress, who has been shooting the film Beyond Borders in Montreal since mid-December, quietly left Quebec early this week to fly to Namibia in southern Africa to continue filming the movie. There was no notice that the production was moving to the country on the west coast of Africa nestled alongside Botswana and South Africa. There has been a veil of secrecy surrounding the Mandalay Pictures film since shooting began here just before Christmas and the film-makers had refused to say where they were going once they wrapped work in Montreal. Oddly enough, the Namibian media has already had more access to Jolie and the film-makers than the Quebec media did during the 21/2-month shoot here. No interviews were granted during the Quebec shoot and no photographers allowed on set. In contrast, the production held a press conference Wednesday in Swakopmund, the coastal town in Namibia where the film crew is based, and Jolie's photo has been plastered across the front page of national newspaper The Namibian for two days running. Beyond Borders stars Jolie as an American living in London in 1984. Though married to a wealthy British man (Linus Roache), she falls for a renegade doctor, played by Clive Owen from Gosford Park, who is passionately involved in helping refugees in war-torn Africa. It is directed by Martin Campbell, whose past credits include The Mask of Zorro and Vertical Limit. Filming will begin today in the Namib desert near Swakopmund and continue there over the next five weeks, shooting the African scenes in the globe-trotting movie. In Quebec, the crew was shooting Montreal to stand in for London and Chechnya. The film next moves to Thailand. At
the press conference Wednesday in Swakopmund, Beyond Borders producer
Lloyd Phillips said Namibia was chosen for the shoot because "we
needed terrain that is dry, rocky and semi-desert." He also
told The Namibian 3/10 - Article in The Namibian on Beyond Borders. Thanks, M Virnig 11/20: E-Online by Mark Amstrong --"Windtalkers" co-star Noah Emmerich has nabbed a role in the Angelina Jolie starrer ``Beyond Borders.'' Martin Campbell helms the Paramount picture, which begins lensing Dec. 17 in Montreal. Clive Owen, Teri Polo and Linus Roache also star. Thanks, Erica 11/7 - HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - Teri Polo, currently co-starring with John Travolta and Vince Vaughn in Paramount's "Domestic Disturbance," is set for another picture at the studio: she will join Angelina Jolie and Clive Owen in "Beyond Borders." The story follows a 10-year romance between a British relief worker (Owen) and a socialite (Jolie) set against war-torn locations in Africa, Thailand and Europe. Polo, who first gained notice for her gig as Ben Stiller's fiancee in ``Meet the Parents," plays Jolie's sister, a war correspondent. "Borders," which has been in development for four years, will begin a Montreal shoot in January with director Martin Campbell ("Vertical Limit") at the helm. Polo next appears in the TNT feature "Second String." Reuters/Variety REUTERS Thanks, Erica From The Montreal Gazette 10/30/01 - Article on agreement in Canada between actors and producers: Two significant Hollywood productions will shoot here in the coming months....Beyond Borders, a Mandalay Pictures drama about the plight of refugees, will begin production in December. It will be directed by Martin Campbell (Goldeneye, Vertical Limit) and stars Angelina Jolie and British actor Clive Owen (Croupier). Thanks, Erica |
1/21/03 - Beyond Borders images above thanks to
Empire and Genevieve