Thanks, Genevieve

Two pictures
above from the making of The Hire.
Second picture is of John Frankenheimer and Clive. Thanks
to a fan.
to Variety, the films (on the web and in theaters) will feature
a recurring character, played by Croupiers Clive
Owen. Ronin director John Frankenheimer will direct the
first film, followed by Lee and fellow Hong Kong director
Wong Kar-Wai. I am pleased to be part of this project
that is on the cutting edge of new technology, Frankenheimer
told Variety. This film has huge action elements as
well as a clever personal story.
The films will be available in theatres, on DVD and will be
hosted on the website BMWfilms.com.
The first film will debut in the spring with Ang Lees
second short following shortly after.
Clive in
1990 - Thanks, Bill
From Variety - Feb 19 Issue

Picture above from
Vanity Fair thanks to Genevieve